Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!

What a joyous day!! The news could not have been any better. Looks like Daddy better get working on those rubber soled cowboys boots for our Virgin Islands adventure.
Thanks to each and every one of you who took the time to say a prayer or send positive thoughts our way.

June 18, 2008

I have such good news! We just got back from seeing the oncologist. Bob's lymphona cancer is the slow-growing type. No treatment is necessary until it gets to a certain point and then it doesn't appear to be too extreme. The growth could take one or two years, five years, or whatever. Anyway we're back to our normal life as we know it (did I say "normal"? haha)! Besides follow up every four months, Bob knows what symptons to watch for that will let him know if there is growth.

I want to thank all of you for your prayers and encouragement. I have to say I have had peace in my heart from the day we found out there was possible cancer. I rested in the knowledge that I am committed to a loving and awesome God who cares about my every need.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thanks for the Feedback

Thanks for all of the feedback on the blog. You all like the idea of being able to go to one place for updates. Please note that you can add comments to this blog by clicking on the word comment at the end of each entry. I will make sure that Dad gets all of your messages. It's a great way to let him know you are thinking about him.

I will update again after the appointment with the oncologist 6/18/08.

Monday, June 16, 2008

First Update

Hello Everyone,
On June 12th, 2008 I found out that my Dad, Bob Dodson, was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer. I decided to start this blog so that Mom, Jeri won't have to tell the same medical updates multiple times. She also doesn't want anyone to be left out.
So to start from the beginning, Dad went in to see his doctor for a routine check up. At that time the doctor had some concerns regarding the lymph nodes in his stomach area and referred Dad to a surgeon.
The surgeon decided to do a biopsy on the lymph nodes in his arm pit that were also swollen. The biopsy came back positive for lymphoma.
There are many types of lymphoma and we do not know yet what type Dad has.
He is going to be seeing an oncologist on June 18th to find out what type of lymphoma he has and what his treatment plan is.
I will keep this blog as up to date as I can. I am sure Dad would want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers.
Patti Kane